Bellwether Award Winners

The nationally recognized Bellwether Award focuses on cutting-edge, trendsetting programs worthy of replication. Annually, 30所社区大学从美国及其领地的大量申请者中脱颖而出,最终进入决赛. The selected colleges compete for one of three Bellwether Awards.








Instructional Programs & Services



Reading Area College (Reading, Pennsylvania)


Digital Binder   College website   


Planning, Governance & Finance


PGF 2024.png

Lakeshore Technical College (Cleveland, Wisconsin)

Hiring, Onboarding Investments are Critical to Success

Digital Binder    College website


Workforce Development


WD 2024.png

St. Louis Community College ( St. Louis, Missouri)

Show Me Synergy: Growing the Healthcare Workforce in St. Louis

 Digital Binder     College website


2023 Winners

Instructional Programs & Services


IPS - Hudson County Community College - Hudson Scholars (1).png

Hudson County Community College (Jersey City, New Jersey)

“Hudson Scholars" 

Digital Binder   College website   Summer Innovation Series   2024 Legacy Winners


Planning, Governance & Finance


PGF -十大网赌正规网址官网区-通过校外勤工俭学就业实现高等教育承诺!!! (1).png

Alamo Colleges District (San Antonio, Texas)


Digital Binder    College website    Summer Innovation Series


Workforce Development


WD -亚特兰大亚特兰大技术学院-亚特兰大技术学院劳动力创新中心!!! (1).png

Atlanta Technical College (Atlanta, Georgia)

“The Atlanta Technical College Center for Workforce Innovation“

 Digital Binder     College website   Summer Innovation Series


2022 Winners

Instructional Programs & Services


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Community College of Baltimore County (Baltimore, Maryland)


Digital Binder  Innovation Series Recording  College website 


Planning, Governance & Finance


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Ocean County College (Ocean County, New Jersey)

“Meet Reggie: The AI Chatbot Transforming Ocean County College”

Digital Binder  Innovation Series Recording  College website 


Workforce Development


Houston Community College.png

Houston Community College (Houston, Texas)

“Celebrating Entrepreneurship: The Foundation of America’s Economy“

 Digital Binder   Innovation Series Recording  College website 


2021 Winners
Instructional Programs & Services


College of the Canyons (Santa Clarita, California)

“Dismantling Barriers to Support Students: Placement Exams & Developmental Courses“

Digital Binder   Virtual Session Recording  College website 


Planning, Governance & Finance


Southwest Tennessee Community College (STCC) (Memphis, Tennessee)


Digital Binder  Virtual Session Recording  College website 


Workforce Development


Oxnard College (Oxnard, California)


Digital Binder  Virtual Session Recording  College website 

2020 Winners
Instructional Programs & Services

2020 Pima Community College.jpg


Pima Community College (Tuscon, AZ)

“Transform Developmental Education, Transform an Institution“

Innovations Webinar  College website 


Planning, Governance & Finance

2020 Howard Community College.jpg

Howard Community College (Columbia, MD)

“Cloud Migration“

Innovations Webinar  College website 


Workforce Development

2020 Central Arizona College.jpg
Central Arizona College (Coolidge, AZ)

“Education at the Speed of Industry”

  Innovations Webinar   College website 


2019 Bellwether Award Winners

Instructional Programs & Services

Polk State College (Winter Haven, FL)


Planning, Governance & Finance

San José Evergreen Community College District (San Jose, CA)

Silicon Valley Career Pathways: Northern California’s Largest Network of STEM Education & Career Programs

Workforce Development Category

San Jacinto College (Pasadena, TX)

San Jacinto College Maritime: Partnerships, Risk, and Results”




An award given every five years!

5年或5年以上成功实施的优秀领跑者获奖项目 and replication.

The 2019 Winners:

Amarillo College, Amarillo, TX

No Excuses Poverty Initiative: Creating a Culture of Caring

贫困是高等教育中学生成功的最大障碍. By creating caring systems to address poverty, students succeed. AC’s No Excuses Poverty Initiative embraces systems change by integrating accelerated learning, predictive-analytics, and wrap-around social services to overcome poverty, resulting in a completion growth rate of 185% since 2012.


Dr. Russell Lowery-Hart, President, Amarillo College
Michele Fortunato, AC Board of Regents member, Amarillo College
Cara Crowley, VP of Strategic Initiatives, Amarillo College
Jordan Herrera, Director of Social Services, Amarillo College



2018 Bellwether Award Winners

Instructional Programs & Services

College of the Desert Palm Desert, CA

打破基本技能障碍:通过基本技能序列创造途径来支持学生的成功, Equity, and Completion (EDGE)

Planning, Governance & Finance

Johnston Community College, Smithfield, NC

One College – New Operational Model for Community Colleges

Workforce Development Category

Pueblo Community College, Pueblo, CO



2017 Bellwether Award Winners

Instructional Programs & Services

Pensacola State College, Pensacola, FL

Virtual Tutoring at Pensacola State College

彭萨科拉州立大学虚拟辅导计划增加了学术支持服务,并使这些服务更容易获得. Instructors and peer tutor offer free, online, 同步辅导学生从任何地点,任何电子设备与互联网接入. 这种高质量的学术支持有时提供给学生最方便

Planning, Governance & Finance

Amarillo College Amarillo, TX


In June 2011, 阿马里洛学院(AC)开创了一种系统的方法来解决学生的贫困障碍,彻底改变了它的制度. Today, AC的“无借口贫困倡议”是校园项目之间的纽带, services and projects designed to support students, boost graduation and transfer, and increase student persistence.

Workforce Development Category

Cuyahoga Community College Cleveland, OH

Integrated Pathways: From Pathways to Pipelines to Student Success

卓越制造中心通过在高需求领域的培训,为学生提供了一个完整的、加速的完成学业的途径和进入工业的管道. The goal is to be more than a training provider; we are the catalyst for connective solutions between industry, our college, and the community.



2016 Bellwether Award Winners

Instructional Programs & Services

Gaston College, Dallas, NC


本报告强调了探究式教学的实施和成功, undergraduate research, 并通过加斯顿学院的SPARC3计划加强学生服务. SPARC3活动改变了教师和学生,并刺激了入学人数的急剧增加, retention, 学院理科副学士项目的毕业率.

From left to right

Chelsey King, Student, Gaston College

Madison Staves, Student, Gaston College

James Smith, Board of Trustees Chair, Gaston College

Patricia Skinner, President, Gaston College

Janna Stover, Student, Gaston College

Ashley Hagler, SPARC3 director, Gaston College

Heather Woodson, Dean of Arts and Sciences, Gaston College

Melissa Armstrong, Science and Math Chair, Gaston College

艾米·富盖特,全国教育管理委员会主席 & Vice President Academic Affairs Mott Community College Flint, MI

Planning, Governance & Finance

Central Community College, Grand Island, NE


GRADES是一个专业发展项目,采用独特的方法,让教职员工了解退伍军人重新融入课堂所面临的挑战. 这个旗舰项目继续促进十大网赌正规网址官网的转变, 在全国范围内,哪一项最终有利于退伍军人在大学和社区取得成功.

From left to right

Travis Karr, Director, Veteran & Military Services, Central Community College

Anthony Chaulk, Student Veteran, Central Community College


Dennis Gallon, Chair, 2016 FUTURES CEO Commission & 佛罗里达棕榈滩州立学院前任校长,代表资源开发委员会

Workforce Development Category
Alamo Colleges, San Antonio, TX
Alamo Colleges I-BEST: The Student’s Unique Journey

Alamo I-BEST服务于低技能的成年人,同时满足圣安东尼奥地区的劳动力需求. 参与者有独特的机会接受加速情境技能为基础的指导,同时获得高要求的职业证书. 该项目对于维持和促进圣安东尼奥及周边南德克萨斯地区的经济发展至关重要.

From left to right

Alamo Representative 1

Alamo Representative 2

Melissa Sadler-Nitu, Director of I-BEST & ABE, District Economic Workforce Development, Alamo Colleges

Alamo Representative 4

Alamo Representative 5

Alamo Representative 6

Kirk While, Board Member, National Council of Continuing Education & Training



Previous Winners From 1995-2004


2014 Legacy Winners


克利夫兰州立社区学院和查塔努加州立社区学院 Cleveland, TN

Do the Math: Solving the Nation’s Math Problems

Cleveland State’s Do the Math 项目获得了2009年教学项目和服务的领头羊奖. 该计划的有效性已被外部研究证明. Since 2009, 数学已经蔓延到查塔努加州立大学和全国其他大学了吗, and is now being implemented in high schools.

Presenters: Dr. Carl Hite, President, Cleveland State Community College Mrs. Karen Wyrick, Math Department Chair, Cleveland State Community College Mr. John Squires,Math Department Head, Chattanooga State Community College



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We are here to address your questions and share our latest news. Reach out to us if we don’t reach out to you!

For general questions:

Rose Martinez, PhD