
西北远景学院就业和转学服务提供资源, guidance, 在职业探索方面提供帮助, career planning, job preparation, and more.

研究一致表明,尽早宣布教育目标的学生更有可能在大学取得成功. 让我们帮助你确定你的目标和 探索你的可能性!


                  • 职业评估
                  • 职业探索资源
                  • 转移资源

Career Services Transfer Services

Career Services

Career Services 

Career Services can assist you with identifying ideal career paths for you to explore; helping you find a pre-major that is the best fit for you. 

Transfer Services

Transfer Services

转学服务将帮助您深入了解课程建议, 转到你选择的四年制大学的课程要求和指导.