

Dr. Veronica Garcia began her tenure as 东北湖景学院's (NLC) president on March 1, 2017. 在她富有远见的领导下, NLC获得认证, 授予联邦财政援助和退伍军人福利的能力, 以及享有盛誉的西班牙裔服务机构称号. Dr. Garcia's leadership also contributed to the 十大网赌正规网址官网区's receipt of the Malcolm Baldrige National Quality Award and the Achieving the Dream Leader 大学 of Distinction Certification.

NLC has been recognized as one of the 10 Most Admired 大学 and Universities to Watch, 最有前途的工作地点:社区大学, 以及美国50所最佳社区学院.S. 拥有28年的工作经验. Garcia has consistently demonstrated her dedication to education and community service. Her extensive classroom and curriculum development background has established a strong foundation for advocating for students' needs.

Dr. 加西亚是国家图书馆关怀文化倡议的先锋, 哪些是基于听取所有利益相关者的声音. These initiatives have significantly contributed to NLC's designation of "Great Places to Work." Her efforts have resulted in efficiently streamlining student intake services and aligning academic and student affairs to provide enhanced student support. Her valuable experiences establishing two Veteran Centers have paved the way for a significant achievement, 确保7美元的收益.7 million in appropriations from the State of Texas  for constructing a standalone Veterans Center at NLC, and the college receiving the Gold Veterans Education Excellence Recognition Award multiple times.

在她非凡的旅程中, she actively contributes to regional economic development as a dedicated member of the Northeast Partnership and a prominent figure on the Schertz-Cibolo-Selma area Chamber of Commerce board. She continues to cultivate valuable relationships with Independent School 区s in the area. Dr. Garcia collaborates with nine municipalities and recently launched an off-site location within the city of New Braunfels to better support the other regions of the Northeast Corridor. Her accomplishments include a 圣安东尼奥 Woman Magazine feature and the prestigious title of Honorary Commander at JBSA Civic 领导 Partner. 她曾多次获得同事颁发的“值得信赖的领导者奖”, underscoring her unwavering commitment to leadership and trustworthiness. 

在她担任教育领导期间,博士.Garcia earned her the Woman of Distinction recognition from Rock Creek, 2012年, she was honored with the PSU/PCC Service to Veterans Recognition for her steadfast support of veteran-friendly programs. She received the Paradise Valley Outstanding 领导 Award for her exceptional work with Puma Pathways in 2017. In 2019, she also served as an Honorary Commander at the 12th Training Squadron, 伦道夫空军基地, 表明她对退伍军人教育的坚定支持. 值得注意的是, the City Council appointed her as a regular City of Garden Ridge Board of Adjustment member, 展示她对公共服务的奉献精神. She furthered her dedication to leadership development by serving as an instructor for cohort 7 in the Portland 社区 大学 领导 Excellence and Development Academy.

Dr. 加西亚是一名高素质的专业人士,拥有博士学位.D. 在俄勒冈州立大学获得高等教育硕士学位.Ed. 获得北亚利桑那大学领导学学士学位.S. 在亚利桑那大学获得工商管理学位, 以及皮马社区学院的副学士学位. 她对培养关爱文化的坚定承诺, 推动学生成功, and building strong community partnerships continues to make a lasting impact on NLC and the broader community.



Dr. 维罗妮卡·加西亚总统
