
部门: 社会科学


My name is Mohsen K. Omar; I am a faculty member at the political science department at Northeast Lakeview 大学. I am so excited to be part of this great 指导 program.

To start, I would like to tell you a little about myself. I started teaching political science with the Alamo 社区 大学 9 years ago. I have a passion for politics and the political process and I do hope to engage students in our political system and to promote a better understanding of how the different levels of Government interact and influence our lives, and become more politically active.

In my opinion, as an educator, the faculty role shifts to coaching and 指导. A faculty’s role is primarily coaching, 指导, 指导, and directing learning rather than lecturing and professing. My favorite part about teaching Political Science is assisting students to make connections between politics and how it actually impacts their everyday lives. 在我的业余时间, 我喜欢阅读。, 咖啡, long-distance running, 骑马, 网球, 和体育.