
During the months of 月中 咨询部将于周五在以下时间进行专业发展

  • 8:00 - 10:00 a.m. (1号)st 和3rd  Friday of the month)
  • 8:00 - 1:00 p.m. (2)nd, 4th 和5th Friday of the month)

During this time there will be limited 建议 services.


How to schedule an appointment with Alamo Navigate Video

所有当前注册的学生都被分配了一名认证顾问. 顾问可以面对面,通过电话,或通过Zoom. Appointments for advising are required. 有关如何安排与您的顾问预约的说明,请参阅下文.

  • 登录你的 ace 账户
  • 点击 “从这里开始” 选项卡
  • 选择 “阿拉莫导航” 图标
  • 点击 “登录”
  • 选择 “约会” 选项卡
  • Select “Schedule an Appointment”
  • 选择 Reason for your appointment ,点击 下一个
  • Select 位置 ,点击 下一个
  • 选择 Type of Appointment, Day, 和 Time that works for you ,点击 下一个
  • Enter your request in the 笔记 盒子


Appointments are required for more extensive conversations.  

These services include:

  • Brief advising guidance
  • Assistance with general questions
  • 确定资源来支持你在东北湖景学院的成功
  • 完成 Change of Primary Institution or Change of Program of Study 形式

Learn how to access our advising drop-in service video

On-campus Drop-In Services

Student Success Hours



Virtual Drop-In Hours 和 Links

学生将以先到先得的方式获得服务.Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, & Thursday: 8:00 am - 10:00 pm
(last student check-in at 9:30 pm)

Friday: 8:00 am - 5:00 pm
(last student check-in at 4:30 pm)

Saturday: 8:00 am - 5:00 pm
(last student check-in at 4:30 pm)

Chat with an 顾问

点击 the blue speech bubble below.

<选项卡le border="0" class="ThreeColLayout"> DeadlineW.pngAppointment Based 建议 建议W.png找到你的
建议 is required for:

辅导在指定的迎新和小组辅导中进行 according to your student type:

  1. 未上过大学的学生或学时不足12学时的学生, 必须注册 New Student Orientation 参加一个 小组建议 Presentation.
  2. Dual Credit as high school students, 必须注册 New Student Orientation 参加一个 小组建议 Presentation
  3. 将大学生转到十大网赌正规网址官网区,有12-45个学分 赢得了, 必须注册 Transfer 和 Returning Orientation小组建议 Presentation.
  4. Students on Academic 缓刑, 必须注册 Academic Success Orientation 和 attend the Transfer 和 Returning 小组建议 Presentation.
    请根据您的学生类型报名参加指定的方向.  你出席培训和小组咨询报告将解决你的咨询问题.
      New Student Orientation
  5. Students placed on Academic Dismissal must complete the Academic Dismissal Petition Information. 如欲向国家图书馆提出退学申请,请按此处: NLC Academic Dismissal Petition Process
  6. Students with 46 credit hours 赢得了, 不需要参加入职培训或小组辅导. 请与咨询部门联系,以审查您的咨询持有
  7. 当前的学生有导师的任务,可以在导航上安排预约或十大网赌正规网址官网的 advising department.
    Contact Information

学生在注册课程后和学期开始时被分配一名学术顾问.  鼓励学生向学术顾问咨询学位计划, 课程, 以及其他教育方面的问题,如果你目前正在攻读两年制学位课程的话, planning to transfer to another college or university, or simply taking a few selected 课程. 除了课程和学位要求外,政策和程序也可能发生变化. 鼓励学生通过定期与学术顾问/顾问会面来了解可能影响他们的任何变化.

通过访问导航,安排与指定顾问的约会 ace,从这里开始.

Transfer to 大学 or University

许多在十大网赌正规网址官网区注册的学生计划转学到高年级或大三的学院或大学. During their enrollment at 阿拉莫大学 区, 他们被建议完成学院或大学的低年级要求,以便他们继续接受教育.

十大网赌正规网址官网区的转学服务帮助学生使他们的转学经历一个无缝的过程. 所有学生都有责任确保他们在十大网赌正规网址官网区学习的课程将被他们希望参加的转学机构接受.

学术顾问 Services Include:

  • Pre & Post- 招生 Advisement
  • Assessment Interpretation
  • Information on Academic Programs
  • Degree Planning 和 Requirements
  • Course Placement 和 Selection
  • 登记 Assistance
  • 撤军
  • Advisement from a course
  • 毕业 Requirements
  • Transfer Planning 和 Services
  • 网络咨询