NLC selected as one of fifteen awardees to participate in Institutional Innovations for 大学 Men of Color 大学 Takeoff project


NLC is proud to announce that it is one of fifteen awardees from across the nation selected to participate in Institutional Innovations for 大学 Men of Color 大学 Takeoff project. Takeoff: Institutional Innovations for 大学 Men of Color is a project led by the USC Race and Equity Center to fund and provide technical support to 15 community colleges nationwide that are advancing initiatives to support men of color on their campuses. This project is made possible by the support from ECMC Foundation and is a part of their broader $20 million commitment to transform the higher education experiences for Black, Latinx, Southeast Asian and Native American men. ECMC Foundation’s Men of Color Initiative 旨在提高学历.

社交媒体graphic_small.jpgThe full list of community colleges include:

  • 利哈伊碳社区学院
  • 长滩城市学院
  • 东北湖景学院
  • 凤凰城大学
  • 圣何塞社区学院
  • 格林维尔技术学院,
  • 哈利S杜鲁门学院
  • Ilisagvik大学
  • 卡皮奥拉尼社区学院
  • 贝克斯菲尔德学院
  • 巴尔的摩县社区学院
  • 消费河学院
  • 埃德蒙兹大学
  • Capital 区 Educational Opportunity Center
  • 富勒顿学院
