NLC Student Awarded the Irma Reyes Citizen Diplomacy Scholarship

June 1, 2023

Northeast Lakeview College is excited to announce that one of its students, Ms. Gabriella Rodriguez, 被圣安东尼奥国际游客委员会(SACIV)奖学金委员会选中,获得了著名的 Irma Reyes Citizen Diplomacy Scholarship. The Irma Reyes Diplomacy Scholarship 是否授予对全球事务表现出浓厚兴趣并致力于对世界产生积极影响的学生.

Ms. 加布里埃拉·“加比”·罗德里格斯(Gabriella“Gaby”Rodriguez)被选中获得这一殊荣,因为“她体现了成为一名全球公民的意义。. 作为一名青少年教练,她通过与儿童一起的志愿工作,帮助来自不同背景的儿童,寻求帮助他人并为社区服务, many of who did not speak English, not only learn how to play basketball but also learn what it means to be a team. She has always enjoyed bringing people together through her belief that ‘一个人就能改变一个人的观点,并在一个社区中发挥作用.’”

厄玛·雷耶斯公民外交奖学金的设立是为了表彰所有这些工作, support, and dedication of Mrs. Irma Reyes throughout more than 30 years in SACIV, and is a $2,000 scholarship with $1,000 funded by SACIV and $1,000 from a local university or college in San Antonio. 十大网赌正规网址官网区国际项目办公室将从奖学金基金会中拿出1000美元,共计2000美元奖励给她. Rodriguez.

About Gabriella Rodriguez

Gabriella (Gaby) Rodriguez在东北湖景学院学习商务/国际商务.  她的父母是移民,高中时从萨尔瓦多移民过来的, she is a first-generation college student.  She says, “my parents came to this country with very little resources and worked hard, even taking multiple jobs, to make a better life for me.” 

She came to NLC for financial reasons due to its affordability.  她的其他家庭成员也参加了NLC,并在未来的职业生涯中取得了成功. 她非常感谢这项奖学金将提供的额外经济援助.

After NLC, she plans to transfer to a university to continue her studies. 在未来,Gaby希望成为商业世界的领导者,并在全球范围内产生影响,帮助那些可能无法帮助自己的人, whether that is in this country or somewhere else, 不管他们有多么不同或相似——所有人都希望把这个国家和世界变成一个更美好的地方.

Northeast Lakeview College congratulates Gabriella on her accomplishment.

About The San Antonio Council for International Visitors

The San Antonio Council for International Visitors (SACIV) is a non-profit, 为崭露头角的杰出国际领袖提供短期专业交流的便利, 主要由美国国务院选定,目的是推进美国的外交政策目标,增进相互了解. SACIV members have the opportunity to meet and host these international visitors, helping forge friendships and building bridges. Since 2018, SACIV has coordinated over 170 professional exchange programs, welcoming more than 1,500 visitors representing almost 150 countries to San Antonio.