NLC Receives $189,401 grant from Texas Workforce Commission Jobs & Education for Texans (JET) Program

May 22, 2023

Northeast Lakeview College Receives $189,401 Grant from Texas Workforce Commission Jobs and Education for Texans (JET) Program

东北湖景学院自豪地宣布,它收到了189美元,作为德克萨斯人就业和教育(JET)计划的一部分,该计划获得了德克萨斯州劳动力委员会的401拨款. 资金将用于购买和安装设备,初步培训75名学生成为网络和计算机系统管理员, with additional students to be trained in the future.  An official check presentation took place on May 22.

“东北湖景学院很高兴成为JET资助的接受者之一。. Veronica Garcia, NLC president. “这些资金使我们能够通过扩大设备和提供实践学习的机会来加强我们的职业和技术教育.”

Committed to preparing students for in-demand careers, NLC提供专门的课程,如网络管理技术,为学生设计做准备, implement, and troubleshoot computer networks. 该课程的完成为学生准备行业认证,如CompTIA Security +, CompTIA Network +, and the Cisco Certified Network Associates (CCNA). Learn more about NLC’s Network Administration Technology program

At the check ceremony, NLC与其他三个当地CTE项目一起获得了JET的赠款资金.

  • North East ISD received a $45,448美元的设备补助金,用于与十大网赌正规网址官网区合作培训290名汽车服务学生. Philip’s College.  
  • San Antonio ISD received two grants: 
  • $454,551美元购买设备,与十大网赌正规网址官网区-圣安东尼奥学院合作,培训最初的934名学生成为脊医. 
  • $291,891美元的设备,以培训最初的253名学生作为电气和电子工程技术人员,与十大网赌正规网址官网区-圣. Phillip’s College.   
  • Southside ISD received a $289,073拨款用于设备培训最初的128名学生在焊接与十大网赌正规网址官网区-圣. Phillip’s College.  

关于JET:通过德克萨斯州立法机构每两年期提供的资金, TWC使用JET赠款支付为公众社区开发 职业和技术教育项目的启动费用, state and technical colleges, school districts, and charter schools. 通过 JET 资助的设备必须用于培训学生从事高要求职业的工作. 

View photos from the ceremony here