I. General Expressive Activity Information

Northwest Vista College an institution of higher learning, 支持受《十大网赌正规网址官网》和《十大网赌正规网址官网》保障的个人表达权利, including freedom of speech and the right to peaceably assemble. 


      (a) is not unlawful; and


“表达活动”是指受宪法保护的任何言论或表达行为,包括集会, protests, the distribution of written materials, the carrying of signs, and the circulation of petitions.

Reasonable restrictions may be placed on the time, manner, 以及在大学校园的公共户外区域进行表达活动的场所.  These are stated in Procedure F.9.1.1 among Board Policies. 


Space Reservation Encouraged

确保不与预定活动和安排的表达活动发生冲突, 包括参与者和观众的预期规模以及校园安全需求, 希望在校园公共户外区域进行表达活动的人士,可在活动前随时向学生生活办公室预订场地.


Basic Guidelines 

1. 表达活动通常必须在大学区及其学院开放营业和上课期间进行. 在其他日期和时间进行表达活动的除外.

2. Expressive activity must not (a) obstruct passageways, doorways, ramps for people with mobility challenges, loading docks, or parking spaces; (b) be conducted through or the use of sound amplifying devises; (c) be conducted in or extended into the buildings, hallways, classrooms, laboratories, or stairwells; or (d) be conducted within a ten-foot clearance around entrances and the perimeter of a  college building.

3. 进行表达活动的人必须(a)在表达活动结束后进行清理, including by picking up the literature abandoned left behind or discarded by them or others; and (b) furnish any tables or chairs required for their expressive activity.  

4. 在户外公共区域禁止公开或未经许可携带或使用德克萨斯刑法典规定的武器, including at or during an expressive activity.

5. The display and distribution of obscene materials as defined in § 43.《十大网赌正规网址下载》第21条的规定是被禁止的,并可作为第43条下的刑事犯罪被起诉.22 of the Texas Penal Code, 或其他刑法典的规定,如果禁止的行为涉及未成年人在校园.

6. 进行表达活动的人必须尊重选择不听他们讲话的人的权利, engage in their expressive activity, or accept their literature.

7. The Policy and Procedure at F.9.1 and F.9.1.1 among Board Policies are incorporated in these Guidelines. 鼓励进行表达活动的人阅读政策和程序,这些政策和程序可在十大网赌正规网址官网区网站和学生生活办公室获得.  


Campus Security

十大网赌正规网址官网警察局(ACPD)被授权维护大学校园的和平与安全,并执行德克萨斯州的刑法. 如果某人的表达活动或对这种活动的反应是非法的,或在实质上扰乱了学院的学术或行政运作,ACPD可能会将其驱逐出校园. ACPD is authorized to remove persons from campus, 包括损坏校园财产或拒绝提供身份证明.   



For more information, email Marie Morgan - Director of Student Life -

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