Disc golf course is reopening!



Try Out Those Throws at the Updated 西北维斯塔学院 Disc Golf Course

的 西北维斯塔学院 (NVC) Disc Golf course, 采用最新设计, has reopened after it was 关闭d as part of the campus during the 2020 pandemic.

NVC总裁博士. Ric Baser is an avid disc golf player. “的 course is known as a technical short course. It’s good for beginners and still challenging for experienced players. I’ve been looking forward to getting back on the course this fall,” he said.

飞盘高尔夫正在成长. During the pandemic, many people ventured outside to play the sport. 的 Professional Disc Golf Association (PDGA) lists Texas as having the most members at 4,752, with 465 courses in 2020 and the association boasts an increase in U.S. membership between 2019 and 2020 of more than 35.5%.

成立于2011年, the NVC Disc Golf course is competition style with a par 54 and a length of about 4,000英尺. 的 redesign was started in 2017 to add back holes that were displaced during the construction of expanded campus parking.

With 18 holes (baskets) that wind mostly through the wooded areas of the campus, the NVC course has obstacles such as low-hanging tree limbs and a tee across the lake.

Well-known disc golf course designer Charles Chapman, / Alamo Architects, made sure the NVC course was top-notch. Chapman worked alongside Larry Clark from Bender Wells Clark Design and SWA Group. Both firms have done most of the landscape and architectural design on the campus. 的 original NVC Disc Golf course was designed in 2008, with Bender Wells Clark Design working with course designer Brandon Melton of IOM Design.

的 course is open from dawn until dusk, with no smoking or alcoholic beverages allowed on campus. Players must bring their own equipment to play the course.

看到 校园地图.